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Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards

2012/08/23, by , under blog, Competition, Events, Exhibits, photography, promotion

Acaid Images

The overall winner will be crowned WORLD ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2012 and the winners and their images will be featured in the Architectural Review.

The Awards are being held in conjunction with THE ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW and the WORLD ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL,
3-5th October in Singapore, where there will be an exhibition of all of the images and where the winners will be announced.

The judging panel includes: Will Alsop (All Design), Eva Jiricna (Eva Jiricna Architects), Kim Neilsen (3XN), Catherine Slessor
(The Architectural Review), Kate Goodwin (Royal Academy), Wong Chiu Man (WOW Architects) and James Russell (Bloomberg)

The award categories are:

  • Exterior – Images should be of the exterior of a building communicating the nature of that building.
  • Interior – Images should be of a building interior effectively communicating the space.
  • Sense of Place – Images should show buildings or spaces in their wider context and environment.
  • Buildings in Use – Images should show buildings in use by people.

Entries close 7th September.

Competition page: http://arcaidphotography.com/award/

Contact Arcaid Images directly on +44 (0)20 8546 4352 or email  [email protected]


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