Panel Discussion Wrap Up
The Presenting Architecture Exhibition and Seminar Series hosted by the San Francisco Chapter of the American Institute of Architect’s office wrapped up last month and over the next few blog posts I will show some of the related material including images from the exhibition, comments and some insights from the seminars.
The last event was the panel discussion titled Presenting Architecture: What works for clients, the press and the public. Moderated by Amanda Walter with panelists: John King, George Calys, Jonathan Stern, Frank Doyle and Phil Woods. This was a rare look at how architectural presentations are perceived by clients, public entities and press who constantly have presentations made to them. Getting insights from these extremely experienced people was highly informative. In addition to moderating this great discussion, Amanda Walter also wrote a fantastic blog Designing Your Stories about it on her Waltercomms Blog.
Here are some photos posted to the Presenting Architecture FaceBook page of the panel discussion
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And once again, this exhibit and series of events was made possible with the help of our hosts and sponsors.
This exhibit was sponsored by Arch , GCI General Contractors and William Stout Architectural Books.
Proudly hosted by the American Institute of Architects, San Francisco Chapter and the Center for Architecture + Design.
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