Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition 2011: Call for Entries
Sponsored by Corel, a suite of Corel programs is awarded to the best entry that demonstrates excellence through an innovative use of media. The suite of software includes CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5, Corel Technical Suite X5 & CorelCAD, for a total value of $2,197. Submissions may be digital, or hybrid mixed media with preference given to those that push the envelope of architectural representation. The winner of this prize will be selected from the hybrid/media and international categories.
For 37 years, the Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition has celebrated the best in architectural drawing. It is open to all architecture students, professionals and architectural illustrators throughout the United States as well as abroad. KRob accepts entries through its website and also accepts physical originals sent to the AIA Dallas office. Prizes at both the student and professional level are awarded to works done by hand as well as by digital methods.
The Ken Roberts Competition is the longest-running architectural delineation competition currently in operation anywhere in the world. Jurors this year include Julie Snow, FAIA of Julie Snow Architects in Minnesota, Kevin Sloan, ASLA of Kevin Sloan Studio in Dallas, and Alexander Walker of
To submit drawings and to find out more about the competition, please visit
Entry Deadline:All entries must be received by Friday, October 28th, 5pm CST. Winners and finalists will be announced on the evening of Wednesday, November 16th.
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