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Presenting Updates

2011/07/21, by , under Uncategorized

A happy summer day to the members of Presenting Architecture!

I am completely thrilled about how far the site has come in such a short period.  We now have almost 500 members, many with Directory listings.  With Presenting Architecture’s first visualization placement for a $5,000.00 commission, listing in the Directory is necessary for me to include you for submission on project bids.

If you joined but have not created your Directory listing please do so ASAP.  If you have a Directory listing but have not added images, consider what a viewer will do seeing your ad with no images, click on it?  I think not.  Creating a comprehensive Directory listing is important as that is how the world and search engines will see you in the most comprehensive Directory for architectural presentation professionals.  Remember, membership and Directory listings are FREE!

New site developments that you want to know about are listed below.  I have much more planned and welcome all comments.

For the entire site:

Share – Presenting Architecture-Share away, the more, the merrier and by sharing the site through your social media networks, everyone gets more exposure!  The home page has a share section with easy buttons to use.  If you are listed in the Directory and have a FaceBook page Presenting Architecture has stopped in for a visit and liked your page, please consider reciprocating by liking Presenting Architecture as well.  Sharing Presenting Architecture on the web helps everyone involved use any of the share buttons on our pages.

Q&A – On the main menu there is now a Help! Section. Clicking Help! Will take you to a new Q&A page. You can use this page to get your site questions answered and to answer questions from other members. The most asked question is ‘how can I edit my Directory listing?’.

On the Directory side of the site:

Directory Images – I was asked by photographer Danica about increasing the number of Directory images to 13 from 12. I could not figure out why this question could be asked until I looked at Danica’s listing and saw the larger image with an uneven grid of 11 images below it. Realizing that Danica’s great aesthetics would be a concern of many artists, I added the ability to have 13 images.

Added categories – New categories in the Directory are: 360 degree imagery, video under the photographers section, Marker and Pen & Ink were added to the Visualization section.

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